Teachers and Training
All of the groundwork listed below is based on a rooted foundation of my embodied knowledge and Indigenous African experience specific to my culture, which I value highly.
Elke Loepthien-Gerwert, The Medicine of Mourning from the teaching of Sombofu Somé, Current. 2024.
Zenju Earthlyn Manuel, Osho, Darkness as Medicine Program + Opening to Darkness 5 Week Book Study and Dialogue, March. 2024.
Euphemia Russell, Unfurling 6 Month Intuitive Movement and Group Coaching. 2023.
Lumos Transforms, Intro to the Resilience Toolkit. 2023.
Jordan Pagán Deer Heart Ix Mazatl Ol-Si, MINKA Brooklyn. 13th Octave LaHoChi Practitioner Certification + Angelic Attunement. 2020.
Kat Folwer, Reiki Level 3 Master Training + Certification. 2020.
Jennifer Longmore, Soul Journeys. Akashic Record Consultant Training + Certification. 2019.
Toko-pa Turner, Dreamwalking. 2019.
Elaine Grundy, The Reiki Centre. Reiki Level 1 and 2 Training + Certification. 2018.
Katherine Lee Kruger, Natural Healers Association of South Africa. Shamanic Earth Keeper Training + Certification. 2018.