
Explore sacred transmissions for your soul’s work.

The Akashic Records

An Akashic Record “Reading” is a spiritual experience, it is a form of deep listening to subtle and forgotten frequencies through sonic divination.

Akasha is the Sanskrit word for ether and/or sky. It is vast, limitless and intangible. It is the living knowledge that is accessed through breath and deep listening. In Vedic philosophy, the primary manifestation of life is called the Akash and is comprised of vibrations. The Akash is linked with the sense of hearing and sound is the main means of communication within it.

Sound is the language of the divine, a timeless symphony of dynamic consciousness. When we refine our ability to listen, we harmonise our souls with the mystery of the sacred, allowing ourselves to be tuned as conscious instruments of its music. As Hazrat Khan has said, “Many say that life entered the human body by the help of music, but the truth is that life itself is music.”

All matter is made up of vibrating strings of energy. In many cultures, myths, songs and dances, rituals, ceremonies and stories were passed down through time by oral traditions. What if these transmissions are not lost but interrupted through our understanding of knowledge? What if living knowledge is waiting for us to breathe it in? How do we hear that which we have deafened our ears to? We practice listening to the invisible of all that has, is and will be including all dimensions - seen and unseen.

This Akashic Record Reading helps you refine and enhance your relationship to your embodied knowledge through energy medicine protocols for re-membering wholeness.

Akashic recordings are vibratory codes and currents that exist in an eternal now. Within my ancestral lineage, Zamani is Akasha, a transtemporal river of time that carries all of creation. The conscious experience of entering into the soundscape of your Akashic Records is a way of being and becoming through sound, where we practice felt awareness of our oral histories that have been stored by our Akashic record keepers.

Your Akashic record keepers only provide you with information that you are vibrationally ready, willing and able to listen to. In this way, the process of listening within your Akashic Records meets you exactly where you are. I use techniques such as invitation, compassionate inquiry and consent to engage with you throughout the consultation, creating the spaciousness for you to rediscover possibilities of relating, sensing, being and knowing within your capacity.

In your Akashic recordings, we explore together the distinction between unconscious hearing and conscious listening through sonic divination. Spiritual guidance and energy medicine are offered in the consultation to support the wholeness of your lineage and to facilitate soul recovery, reclamation and repair from experiences within this life and other incarnations.

Zamani: the reservoir of time.

Deep Experiences

“Vanessa is simply amazing! They helped me put together the puzzle pieces, I have been trying to put together my whole life. They are professional, kind, and knowledgeable. They blew me away, answering all my questions and giving me divine guidance. I can’t wait to connect with them again.” - Barry

“Vanessa’s compassion and understanding and love for this work can be felt during their readings, they are highly professional and makes a person feel completely at ease. I definitely plan to more readings with them in the future and would recommend them to others.” - Anemi

“Before my sessions with Vanessa, I was really struggling to work towards a fresh perspective shift that was coming my way. Vanessa created a beautiful space where I was able to receive so much clarity and clearing of my inner blocks. Since my session, I have been rapidly moving forward into my own abundance, carrying a deeper understanding of myself all while learning to honour and forgive past experiences that have shaped me.” - Demi-Gea

When we activate the principle of the vessel, we weave a thread between the micro-cosm and the macro-cosm.


Earthlight is the seismic song of the Earth that is consistently humming. It is the deepest frequency of the Earth located in its inner core.

Ntu or universal life force flows through all things. The four principles of Ntu are harmony, interconnectedness, balance, and authenticity. Energy medicine is the ancient practice of intentionally working with particular frequencies to assist us in shifting stagnant energy that has become out of sync with the world and our knowing field. Earthlight is a regenerative form of energy medicine that connects us to the heart of the Earth and the range of its wisdom.

The earth is a body. The energetic currents or song lines are the veins of Mother Earth, the stones are her bones, the soil her flesh and the plants her hair. The electromagnetic frequencies of the Earth are always oscillating, they are sound in motion, vibrating and reverberating throughout the planet and its inhabitants. The heartbeat of the Earth has been measured at a base frequency of 7.83 Hz, this is a low frequency that is similar to theta brainwaves, where deep healing takes place in the subconscious.

Earthlight medicine is a meditative experience that facilitates a state of stillness and inward travel. When we offer ourselves to the medicine of Earthlight, we ask permission to access Mother Earth’s teachings and to be shown how we can contribute to healing the disconnection between humanity and the other-than-human world. The Earth knows the pathway. When last did you ask her for directions?

Earthlight medicine ushers you into the sacred subterranean heartbeat of Mother Earth through the unseen passageways downdeep, reviving your connection to the dark radiance of soul descent.

Earthlight is an offering birthed from my year-long apprenticeship on the Kerepēhi fault line on the unceded land of the Ngāti Pāoa Māori people in Aotearoa. During my stay in Aotearoa, the spirit of the Kerepēhi fault line became my mentor. It connected me to underground knowledge and forces that are indwelling with Earth. The daily subtle shaking of Kerepēhi rippled through my mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies, providing me with the attunement of Earthlight.

As a descent of a fireless volcano in the East of Africa, my ancestors have catalysed the revival of Earthlight into my life by leading me to sites of the Earth to receive instructions and through continuing education in dreamtime visions. I understand the medicine of Earthlight as the return of ugō (a gift) that was lost in my lineage.

During the session, Earthlight medicine is offered to the land spirit/guardian of your birth and where you currently reside. Sacred ochre is utilised during the transmission of the colour red, white or yellow based on the medicine that is needed at the time. The land guardians, unseen elemental allies, and more-than-human forces of nature are always welcoming us to travel downdeep into the bedrock of our soul. It is only there that we can reconnect with rooted elders who were ordained long before we took our first breath and retrieve what has been forgotten, abandoned, repressed, and subjugated within our transgenerational body.

Earthlight is for

those who are interested in reviving their magnetic sense and ability of wayfinding

those who are committed to stewarding forgotten futures of interspecies liberation into being

those who are experiencing ecological grief and are seeking energetic/emotional solidarity and space

those who are turning their ears toward the stories of the land they were born on

those eager to clear and charge their knowing field with the frequencies of the Earth

Earthlight Healing Circle

A monthly gathering that is limited to an intimate group of 5 people at $30 per person.

A space to replenish and restore your spiritual connection to Mother Earth and re-member why you came.

An invitation for you to revive your ability to wayfind and to engage with unseen elemental allies.

Are you ready to explore and luxuriate in your desire for re-membrance? Your life essence is fed by your soul’s work and your sacred study.