Early Futures

An overdue spiritual maturation is occurring. We are being ushered into a cycle of sacred disintegration.

Only through the process of being emptied can we experience the openness of a vessel. 

How will you free yourself from your fear?

We are standing at the crossroads and dreaming the future now. It is crucial to reclaim our individual and communal spiritual responsibilities, to train our tongues in the languages of the soul, and to study the mysteries of the mother-of-mothers. There is no one way of seeing. New visions are returning to our eyes as we speak.

Kupotea njia ndio kujua njia (to lose the way is to learn the way). The experience of becoming lost is imperative to the fruition of our self-knowing… The work of re-discovery is initiated through the land, our living traditions, relational capacities, and the medium of our body that carries the memories of those who came before us. 

Our ancient ancestors knew the importance of spiritual sense-making for the development of the self and the wider world from which we are apart of, here and elsewhere. Our transgenerational soul agreements store the mythopoeic and metaphysical teachings required for our spiritual consciousness to flourish in this lifetime. 

The Mother foresaw the Age of Great Forgetting long ago, before we could no longer recognise our shared skin and before the wholeness of our universal self split into billions of fragments. She encoded subtle sounds of the divine and the original stories into the natural world to guide us towards reunion. We are the ones who must choose to listen. 


The Earth is an Ancestor


Rose Medicine Safisha