The Earth is an Ancestor

We are all the descendants of Mother Earth. We were created from the Earth and at death our bodies will return to the Earth. This timeless truth is buried within us and allows us to recognise ancestral ways of living in reciprocity. To recognise is to remember. Dreams, visions, prayer, ceremony, and rituals are ways of knowing that which outlives human supremacy and spiritual amnesia.

Mother Earth is speaking. The power of her will through the spirits below and tectonic forces builds and destroys mountains, shapes the oceans, and reorders the continents. Whether or not we believe in the law of reciprocity does not matter, the scales will be rebalanced. The kosmic serpent that wraps itself around the Earth is shifting its body and has begun to foreshadow groundbreaking changes of direction.

An initiate wavers between two worlds during deep states of transitions, drawing closer to a future self, but yet far from it. This in-between state is a period of unbinding coiled consciousness in the dark waters of our origins. Knowledge can recede so as to endure and return at the right time. We experience knowledge with our entire being. This living form of knowledge returns through medicine dreams and deep encounters with the soul. It cannot die but waits to be called forth from the spirit world.

A statue of the Kemetic goddess Serket, a hybrid with the lower body of a scorpion and the upper body of a woman who watches over a dangerous turn in the pathway of the underworld.

To become spirit-led is to undergo total transformation until one is reborn with second sight or double knowledge and is prepared to carry root medicine from the spirit world with full-bodied coherence into the here and now. As the Earth renews herself by sloughing off her skin through fires and floods, more will hear her call and start to commune with her guardians for visions and healing, following the footsteps backwards to lost ancestral intelligence as initiates.

When we re-member the natural laws of the old ones through recognition, responsibility and respect, we are bestowed with direct attunements, medicine, teachings, guidance, and stories from the original ancestors. Our higher body-spirit-mind opens and unfurls illuminating what we have forgotten or lost access to as a custodial species.

Two weeks ago, I was given an ancestral seed sound. A war song. A liberation song. Blowing from the north wind. A call of courage from the undying heart that cries out in defiance of the destruction of the Earth and the oppression of the world’s people. We came into being with the knowledge of an ancient radiance. We are all instruments. The freedom songs and dances of the old ones are reverberating into this breath of time because we will all need them.

Mother Earth is and has always been a crystalline being. Interspecies liberation will be stewarded into existence through our sacred relationship with the other-than-human realms and our ongoing practice of land reconciliation and repair würa (meaningful work). You will know when to bury a crystal/crystals into the soil and at what site when you receive the instruction to do so. Each day ask for permission to access the Earth’s divine teachings. You are always being guided.

A collage of a person walking backwards into the future with the translated text of the Gĩkũyũ proverb “Ma Ndikuaga”.


The Mother of Nine


Early Futures